MongoDB Stitch Authentication in React Native
June 2020
I wrote in a previous article about some quirks of MongoDB Stitch Username / Password authentication in React, particularly the need to use a ternary operator to prevent a "multiple initialization" error:
// MongoDB Stitch initializationconst APP_ID = "<your-app-id-from-stitch>";const client = Stitch.hasAppClient(APP_ID)? Stitch.getAppClient(APP_ID): Stitch.initializeDefaultAppClient(APP_ID);
When I started working on a React Native version of the same app, that same issue resurfaced and required a new solution.
That's because — unlike its Browser counterpart — the Native version of MongoDB Stitch SDK returns a promise on initialization (though it does not on subsequent invocations).
So here follows a different approach for React Native.
First of all, of course we want to import the SDK:
const { Stitch } = require("mongodb-stitch-react-native-sdk");
Then we are going to create two separate functions:
loadClient() {Stitch.initializeDefaultAppClient("<your-app-id-from-stitch>").then(client => {this.setState({ client });const dbClient = client.getServiceClient(MongoDB.RemoteMongoClient.factory,"<your-api-name-from-stitch>");this.setState({ dbClient });this.setState({ db: dbClient.db("<your-database-name>") });});}getClient() {const client = Stitch.getAppClient("<your-app-id-from-stitch>");this.setState({ client });const dbClient = client.getServiceClient(MongoDB.RemoteMongoClient.factory,"<your-api-name-from-stitch>");this.setState({ dbClient });this.setState({ db: dbClient.db("<your-database-name>") });}
Finally, on page load we are going to trigger the first (promise-based) function only when Stitch.hasAppClient("<your-app-id-from-stitch>")
is falsey. Otherwise we will use getClient
componentDidMount() {Stitch.hasAppClient("<your-app-id-from-stitch>")? this.getClient(): this.loadClient();}
I hope this helps! If you have any questions or comments, feel free to reach me on Twitter.